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V o c a l  P e d a g o g y  &  C o a c h i n g

Dr. Johnson has maintained an active voice studio for over ten years and continues to teach private voice in the Brenham, TX area. 

He has studied vocal pedagogy under Dr. Jon Linford, Professor Pamela Bathurst, Dr. Seth Keeton, and Dr. Lynn Maxfield.  In July 2017 he became certified as a vocologist by the National Center for Voice and Speech's Summer Vocology Institute at the University of Utah.

Dr. Johnson also provides vocal coaching and accompaniment services. With several semesters' worth of experience teaching music theory and aural skills at the collegiate level, his coaching technique emphasizes building musicianship skills in students so that they can more confidently learn music in the future.

For more information or to schedule a music lesson or a vocology consultation, please click here.

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